“Using Intel’s hafnium-infused high-k metal gate transistors has allowed our quad-core 45nm low-voltage server chips to attain new heights in power-efficient performance,” said Kirk Skaugen, vice president and general manager of Intel’s Server Platforms Group. “These chips deliver the speed needed while using meager amounts of energy.”
To make the low power consumption possible, Intel reinvented its transistor formula. Together with the 45nm chip capabilities, performance boost and reduced power consumption were achieved. The first two chips released are the quad-core L5420 (with a 2.50 GHz frequency) and quad-core L5410 (with a 2.33 GHz frequency). Higher specs mean faster systems while consuming less electricity. I’m not the only one who thinks that’s cool though–a number of vendors already expressed their support for the new Intel processors. Aside from these two discussed, next quarter, Intel is also releasing a new low-voltage dual core processor running at 40 watts with up to 3 GHz frequency.
source: gadgetspy.co.uk/2008/03/25/new-intel-energy-efficient-server-processors
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